August 6th, 2024 | Business, Economics, Practice



  • Business appears to anticipate a repo rate cut in September by our Reserve Bank. Strangely, the Bank of America reportedly expects our Reserve Bank to start cutting interest rates soon – by 25 basis points at each of its following four meetings!
  • Interestingly, the Investec chief investment strategist has warned that our interest rates are too tight and may well lead to a recession!
  • Our consumers are also more confident about our economy, despite credit demand softening. The mere fact that our GNU will focus on economic growth, is music to all of our ears.
  • The BER says that it expects a 2.2% GDP growth next year! That such a modest growth prediction is good news, says much about what went before!



  • Support for basic income grants is growing. It is said that 47% of our population rely on these grounds and the World Communion of Reformed Churches urged our government to implement such a scheme.
  • Our government has, in the same vein, suddenly developed a conscience and wants to care for the poor:
    • the GNU is said to be mulling VAT relief on essential foods; and
    • electricity prices are being reviewed – whatever that means!

Nah, cannot be for political reasons, can it…


Finally, the Wall Street Journal published a note saying that, when children grow up in a neighbourhood where more adults have jobs, those children are better off economically as adults themselves. Kind of follows, doesn’t it?




  • Members misbehaving: a colleague drew a News24 article on how an attorney (I hesitate to call him a colleague) sourced backhand money from one of our water chiefs – I am tempted to say that, in the old days (said with a quavering voice) that gentlemen would have been on the Law Society red carpet already.
  • An interesting article was published by Tech4Law on legal recruitment; worth a look:
  • Justice denied… Moneyweb published a note on the civil justice system in the Pretoria High Court, which holds that there is a shortage of judges and an overload of civil trials in that court, with such cases now being allocated trail dates in 2029! Reportedly these lead times are the longest ever in the history of that High Court. A similar report (reflecting similar lead times) was published by BusinessDay on the Johannesburg High Court. A report by ENS on the performance/status of our courts may be of interest:
  • RAF:
    • A claimant who had turned to court for payment delayed by the RAF led to the judge saying two things of interest, that the RAF is technically insolvent and unable to pay certain judgement debts against it, and that the RAF should not be singled out to take exclusive accountability for the failure of the compensation scheme, which is underfunded and unsustainable.
    • In this case the RAF CEO escaped coercive imprisonment for the RAF not paying on time:
    • On 6 August our Minister of Transport reportedly said that there are some 320 000 open claims outstanding against the RAF, of which more than half are four years and older. Of these, 9240 have been allocated trial dates. She said that the backlog situation is not sustainable from either a humanitarian or financial perspective. Amen.
  • Speeding, in itself, does not mean a driver was reckless and absent which should be paid out by his insurer:
  • Our Minister of Health is reportedly deeply concerned by the High Court judgement, which declared the requirement of a certificate of need, for a doctor to practice, to be unconstitutional. A first-year law student would have told him that – so, who is the legal author of the relevant text?


Hard news

And another on the same topic:




  • Residential property prices are still growing at less than our inflation rate, which implies that, in real terms, house prices continue to fall in price, significantly. This trend is expected to continue for the next months.
  • Apartment vacancy rates are slightly down but below the 2023 level of 7.2%, at 6.7%. This obviously implies that rentals will probably rise.
  • The office market is recovering, albeit slowly; the 2024 average vacancy rate was 14.6, Q1 2024 13.9% and in Q2 2024 13.1%.
  • The industrial property sector grew by 6.1%, yoy, in Q 2 224 and rentals were approximately 20% higher than pre-pandemic levels.
  • The following article may be of interest to agents dealing in commercial property:
  • It’s women’s month!
    • The majority of first-time home loan applications in Q 2 2024 were from women (60%).
    • 55% of all homebuyers (between the ages of 30 and 39) in traditional townships, were women.
    • Looking at the above, the following is understandable: women-only buyers account for 38% of all houses owned in the ≤ R750k bracket.
    • Women in Sectional Title (WiST)has launched a dispute resolution platform for women in partnership with ADR Ubuntu. Having looked briefly, I could not find the claimed adjudication by women only:





Political parties doing flip-flops in order to set their sails with the wind, is probably the norm. This is what is happening in our GNU; politicos, driven by poll failure, are suddenly saving, repairing and rescuing what their parties had controlled two months before. Whilst one appreciates the change of direction, hopefully for the better, I am chagrined by the blithe communication that these actions are for the betterment of all, whilst, just yesterday, this did not count.


Lighten up

A cocky lawyer had just bought a new sports car and he couldn’t wait to show it off to all his colleagues.

He parked at the side of the road and opened the driver’s side door, when suddenly an 18-wheeler truck appeared out of nowhere and took the driver’s door with it.

‘No! My Jaguar, my Jaguar!’ The lawyer shouted, knowing that, no matter how well a mechanic tried to fix it, it would never be the same.

A policeman saw the car without the door and came over to see the man was okay.

‘You are a lawyer, aren’t you?’, the officer asked.

‘Yes, I am, but what does that have to do with my car?’, the lawyer asked.

The officer replied: ‘You lawyers are always so materialistic. All you care about is your prestige and your position.’

‘You must have been holding the car door at the time of the impact – I bet you didn’t even realise that you didn’t have your left arm, did you?’

The lawyer looked to his side and exclaimed, ‘My Rolex!’




Written by: Daan Steenkamp 

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