NO. 1409 21 DECEMBER 2018



I, Thulas Waltermade Nxesi, the Minister of Public Works, having obtained Cabinet approval, hereby publish the draft Expropriation Bill, 2019 for broader public comment.

Interested persons may submit written comments on the draft Expropriation Bill, 2019 not later than sixty days (60) days from the date of publication of this notice to:

The Director-General, Department of Public Works
Private Bag X65,

Or hand deliver to:

Central Government Offices (CGO) Building
256 Madiba street

Tel No: 012 406 2000/012 406 1315 /012 406 1567
Facsimile: 086-272-4554
E-mail: livhuwani.ndou@dpw.gov.za / johannes.lekala@dpw.gov.za
For Attention: Livhuwani Ndou / Johannes Lekala



(As introduced in the National Assembly (proposed section 76); explanatory summary of Bill published in Government Gazette No. … of … 2019)
(The English text is the official text of the Bill)


[B -2019]       031118se


To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public interest and to provide for matters connected therewith.


WHEREAS section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, provides as follows:


25. (1) No one may be deprived of property except in terms of law of general application, and no law may permit arbitrary deprivation of property.

(2) Property may be expropriated only in terms of law of general application-

(a) for a public purpose or in the public interest; and
(b) subject to compensation, the amount of which and the time and manner of payment of which have either been agreed to by those affected or decided or approved by a court.

(3) The amount of the compensation and the time and manner of payment must be just and equitable, reflecting an equitable

balance between the public interest and the interests of those affected, having regard to all relevant circumstances, including-

(a) the current use of the property;

(b) the history of the acquisition and use of the property;

(c) the market value of the property;

(d) the extent of direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the property; and
(e) the purpose of the expropriation.

(4) For the purposes of this section-

(a) the public interest includes the nation’s commitment to land reform, and to reforms to bring about equitable access to all South Africa’s natural resources; and
(b) property is not limited to land.

(5) The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to foster conditions which enable citizens to gain access to land on an equitable basis.

(6) A person or community whose tenure of land is legally insecure as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices is entitled, to the extent provided by an Act of Parliament, either to tenure which is legally secure or to comparable redress.

(7) A person or community dispossessed of property after 19 June 1913 as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices is entitled, to the extent provided by an Act of Parliament, either to restitution of that property or to equitable redress.

(8) No provision of this section may impede the state from taking legislative and other measures to achieve land, water and related reform, in order to redress the results of past racial discrimination, provided that any departure from the provisions of this section is in accordance with the provisions of section 36(1).

(9) Parliament must enact the legislation referred to in subsection (6).”; and

WHEREAS section 33(1) of the Constitution provides that everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair; and

WHEREAS section 34 of the Constitution provides that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum; and

WHEREAS uniformity across the nation is required in order to deal effectively with these matters;

AND IN ORDER TO ENABLE expropriation in accordance with the Constitution,

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:-




1. Definitions

2. Application of Act



3. Powers of Minister to expropriate

4. Delegation or assignment of Minister’s powers and duties



5. Investigation and gathering of information for purposes of expropriation

6. Consultation with municipality during investigation



7. Notice of intention to expropriate

8. Notice of expropriation

9. Vesting and possession of expropriated property

10. Verification of unregistered rights in expropriated property

11. Consequences of expropriation of unregistered rights and duties of expropriating authority


12. Determination of compensation

13. Interest on compensation

14. Compensation claims

15. Offers of compensation

16. Requests for particulars and offers

17. Payment of amount offered as compensation

18. Property subject to a mortgage or deed of sale

19. Payment of municipal property rates and other charges out of compensation money
20. Deposit of compensation money with Master



21. Mediation and determination by court


22. Urgent expropriation


23. Withdrawal of expropriation


24. Service and publication of documents and language used therein

25. Extension of time

26. Expropriation register

27. Civil fines and offences

28. Regulations

29. Interpretation of other laws dealing with expropriation

30. Repeal of laws

31. Transitional arrangements and savings

32. Short title and commencement





1. (1) In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise- ”claimant” means a person who has lodged a claim for compensation with an expropriating authority arising from or in connection with an expropriation of property;
”Constitution” means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;

”court” means-

(a) a High Court within whose area of jurisdiction a property is situated;

(b) a Magistrate’s Court within whose area of jurisdiction a property is situated, having competent jurisdiction and designated as such in terms of paragraph (b)(ii) in the definition of ‘court’ in section 1, read with section 9A, of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act No. 3 of 2000); or
(c) in the case of intangible property, the court within whose area of jurisdiction the owner of that property is ordinarily resident or has its principal place of business within the Republic;
”date of expropriation” means the date mentioned in the notice of expropriation, which date must not be earlier than the date of service of such notice;
”deliver”, in relation to any document, means to deliver by hand, facsimile transmission or post as contemplated in section 24(3) and (4);
”Department” means the Department of Public Works;

”Director-General” means the Director-General of the Department; ”disputing party” means an owner, holder of a right, expropriated owner or expropriated holder who does not accept the amount of compensation offered in terms of section 14(1) or 15(1);
”expropriation” means the compulsory acquisition of property by an expropriating authority or an organ of state upon request to an expropriating authority, and ”expropriate” has a corresponding meaning;
”expropriated holder” means a holder of an unregistered right in property, which right has been expropriated by notice in terms of section 8(1) or in terms of section 9(1)(b);
”expropriating authority” means an organ of state or a person empowered by this Act or any other legislation to acquire property through expropriation;
”holder of a right” means the holder of an unregistered right in property;

”land parcel” means land that has been surveyed and is either registered or yet to be registered in a deeds registry;
”Master” means the Master of the High Court;

”Minister” means the Minister responsible for Public Works;

”notice of expropriation” means a notice contemplated in section 8; ”organ of state” means an organ of state as defined in section 239 of the Constitution;
”owner”, in relation to property or a registered right in property, means the person in whose name such property or right is registered, and-
(a) if the owner of any property or registered right in land is deceased, means the executor of his or her estate and if no executor has been appointed or his or her appointment has lapsed, the Master;

(b) if the estate of the owner of any property or registered right in land has been sequestrated, means the provisional or final trustee of his or her insolvent estate, as the case may be, or if no such appointment has been made, the Master;
(c) if the owner of any land or registered right in property is a company that is being wound up, means the provisional or final liquidator of that company or if no such appointment has been made, the Master;
(d) if any property or registered right in property is vested in a liquidator or trustee in terms of any other law, means that liquidator or trustee;
(e) if the owner of any property or registered right in property is otherwise under a legal disability, means his or her representative by law;
(f) if any land or registered right in property has been attached in terms of an order of a court, means the sheriff or deputy sheriff, as the case may be;
(g) in the case of a public place, road or street under the control of a municipality, means that municipality;
(h) for the purposes of section 5, includes a lawful occupier of the land concerned; and
(i) includes the authorised representative of the owner, which authorised representative is ordinarily resident in the Republic;
”possession” includes the exercise of a right;

”prescribed” means prescribed by regulation;

”property” means property as contemplated in section 25 of the Constitution; ”public interest” includes the nation’s commitment to land reform, and to reforms 10 to bring about equitable access to all South Africa’s natural resources in order to redress the results of past racial discriminatory laws or practices;

”public purpose” includes any purposes connected with the administration of the provisions of any law by an organ of state;
”registered” means registered or recorded with a government office in which 15 rights in respect of land, minerals or any other property are registered or recorded for public record in terms of any law;
”regulation” means a regulation made in terms of section 28;

”service” in relation to a notice means, as contemplated in section 24(1), to serve by delivery or tender, post, publication or in accordance with the direction of a 20 court, and ”serve” has a corresponding meaning;
”this Act” includes the regulations;

”unregistered right” means a right in property, including a right to occupy or use land, which is recognised and protected by law, but is neither registered nor required to be registered;
”valuer” in relation to land, means a person registered as a professional valuer or professional associated valuer in terms of section 19 of the Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000).
(2) (a) A Saturday, Sunday or public holiday must not be reckoned as part of any period calculated in terms of this Act.
(b) The period 20 December to 7 January inclusive, must not be reckoned as part of any period calculated in terms of this Act.

Application of Act

2. (1) Despite the provisions of any law to the contrary, an expropriating authority may not expropriate property arbitrarily or for a purpose other than a public purpose or in the public interest.

(2) Despite the provisions of any law to the contrary, an expropriating authority may not expropriate the property of a state-owned corporation or a state- owned entity without the concurrence of the executive authority responsible for that corporation or entity.
(3) Subject to section 22, a power to expropriate property may not

be exercised unless the expropriating authority has without success attempted to reach an agreement with the owner or the holder of an unregistered right in property for the acquisition thereof on reasonable terms.
(4) An expropriating authority may expropriate property in terms of a

power conferred on such expropriating authority by or under any law of general application, provided that the exercise of those powers is in accordance with sections 5 to 27 and 31.



Powers of Minister to expropriate

3. (1) Subject to the provisions of Chapter 5, the Minister may expropriate property for a public purpose or in the public interest.
(2) If an organ of state, other than an expropriating authority, satisfies the Minister that it requires particular property for a public purpose or in the public interest, then the Minister must expropriate that property on behalf of that organ of state upon its written request, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
(3) The Minister’s power to expropriate property in terms of subsections (1) and (2) applies to property which is connected to the provision and management of the accommodation, land and infrastructure needs of an organ of state, in terms of his or her mandate.
(4) Where only a portion of a land parcel is expropriated, the Minister may expropriate that portion together with the remainder of the land parcel, provided that-
(a) the owner so requests; and

(b) the Minister is satisfied that due to the partial expropriation the use or potential use of the remainder of such land has become so impaired in consequence of the expropriation, that it would be just and equitable to the owner to expropriate it.

(5) When the Minister expropriates property in terms of subsection


(a) the ownership of the property vests in the relevant organ of state on the date of expropriation;
(b) the date on which the right to possession of the property vests in the relevant organ of state must be determined in terms of section 9;
(c) the relevant organ of state is liable for the fees, duties and other charges which would have been payable by that organ of state in terms of any law if it had purchased that property; and
(d) all costs incurred by the Minister in the performance of his or her functions on behalf of an organ of state must be refunded by the relevant organ of state within a reasonable time.

Delegation or assignment of Minister’s powers and duties

4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, either generally or in relation to a particular property or in relation to a particular case, delegate or assign to an official of the Department any power or duty conferred or imposed on him or her in terms of this Act.
(2) The Minister may not delegate or assign the powers or duties conferred on him or her in terms of sections 3, 22(1), 23(1) and 28.



Investigation and gathering of information for purposes of expropriation

5. (1) When an expropriating authority is considering the expropriation of property, he or she must, amongst others, ascertain-
(a) the suitability of the property for the purpose for which it is required, and

(b) the existence of registered and unregistered rights in such property and the impact of such rights on the intended use of the property.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), if the property is land, an expropriating authority may, in writing-
(a) for purposes of subsection (1)(a), authorise a person or persons with the necessary skills or expertise to-
(i) enter upon the property with the necessary workers, equipment and vehicles at all reasonable times or as may be agreed to by the owner or occupier of the property;
(ii) survey and determine the area and levels of the land;

(iii) dig or bore on or into the land;

(iv) construct and maintain a measuring weir in any river or stream;

(v) insofar as it may be necessary to gain access to the property, enter upon and go across another property with the necessary workers, equipment and vehicles; and
(vi) demarcate the boundaries of the property required for the said purpose; and

(b) authorise a valuer, for purposes of ascertaining the value of the property, to enter upon the land and any building on such land and to do the necessary inspections and investigations for that purpose.
(3) The person or persons contemplated in subsection 2(a) and (b) may not enter the property unless authorised in writing by the expropriating authority to do so, and-
(a) the owner or occupier of the property has consented thereto in writing, after being informed;
(b) the owner of the property has consented in writing to the performance of an act contemplated in subsection (2)(a); or
(c) in the event of the owner or occupier refusing or failing to grant consent contemplated in paragraphs (a) and (b), is in possession of a court order authorising the expropriating authority and such person or persons to enter the land, including any building thereon, for purposes of conducting the investigations contemplated in subsection (2).
(4) The valuer contemplated in subsection (2)(b) may-

(a) require the owner or occupier of the property to give him or her access to a document in the possession or under the control of the owner or occupier that the valuer reasonably requires for the purposes of valuing the property;
(b) extract information from or make copies of a document to which he or she is given access in terms of paragraph (a);
(c) in writing require the owner or occupier of the property to provide him or her, either in writing or orally, with particulars regarding the property that he or she reasonably requires for the purposes of valuing the property; and

(d) despite the provisions of any law to the contrary, require the municipality in whose area the land is situated, to provide such valuer-
(i) insight into building plans of improvements on such land;

(ii) a copy or copies of building plans on such land at the cost of the valuer or valuers; and
(iii) such information in respect of municipal property rates or other charges, land use rights including the zoning of the land, availability of engineering services to such land, or such other information with respect to the land, as is in the possession of the municipality and as may be reasonably required for the valuation of the said land by the valuer.
(5) An expropriating authority must, if the information has not already been established at any time before deciding to expropriate property-
(a) by written notice call upon the following persons, to furnish in writing within 20 days from delivery of the notice, subject to section 25, the names and addresses of all known persons holding unregistered rights in the property, as well as particulars of such rights:
(i) an owner;

(ii) a person apparently in charge of the property; and

(iii) any holder of unregistered rights in the property, known to the expropriating authority;
(b) if the property is land, consult-

(i) the Departments responsible for rural development and land reform, for environmental affairs, for mineral resources and for water and sanitation and any other organ of state whose functions and

responsibilities will be materially affected by the intended expropriation, for the purposes of establishing the existence of and the impact of expropriation on rights therein; and
(ii) if applicable, with the municipality as contemplated in section 6.

(6) (a) A person authorised in writing to perform an act contemplated in subsection (2), must-
(i) provide the owner or occupier of the property with a copy of the said written authorisation;
(ii) at all times whilst performing any such act, be in possession of such written authority; and
(iii) identify himself or herself to the owner or occupier of the property by means of an official identification document.
(b) If the person contemplated in paragraph (a) fails to comply with subparagraphs (i), (ii) or (iii) of that paragraph the owner or occupier of the property may refuse that person entry to the property or may refuse the performance of an act contemplated in subsection (2).
(7) If the property in question is damaged as a result of the performance of an act contemplated in subsection (2), the expropriating authority must repair to a reasonable standard, or compensate the affected person for that damage after delivery of a written demand by the affected person and without undue delay.
(8) Any legal proceedings arising out of a claim referred to in subsection (7) must comply with the relevant provisions of the Institution of Legal Proceedings Against Certain Organs of State Act, 2002 (Act No. 40 of 2002).

Consultation with municipality during investigation

6. (1) When contemplating an expropriation of land, an expropriating authority must, if not already established, in writing, request the municipal manager of the municipality where the land is situated to inform the expropriating authority of the effect which the purpose for which the property is being acquired may have on municipal planning.
(2) The request contemplated in subsection (1) must include-

(a) a statement that the expropriating authority is contemplating the acquisition of land;
(b) a full description of the land in question;

(c) details of the purpose for which the land is required; and

(d) such other details as the expropriating authority may deem necessary.

(3) The municipal manager must deliver a written response to the request contemplated in subsection (1) to the expropriating authority within 20 days of receiving the request or within a reasonable time to be agreed between the expropriating authority and municipal manager or determined in terms of section 25.
(4) If the expropriating authority is the municipal council of the municipality where the land is situated, the request contemplated in subsection (1) is not required.



Notice of intention to expropriate

7. (1) If an expropriating authority intends to expropriate property, it must-
(a) serve a notice of intention to expropriate on the owner and any known holder of a right in the property; and
(b) publish the notice of intention to expropriate, in accordance with section 24(2).
(2) A notice of intention to expropriate must include-

(a) a statement of the intention to expropriate the property;

(b) a full description of the property;

(c) a short description of the purpose for which the property is required and the address at which documents setting out the purpose may be inspected and particulars of the purpose may be obtained during business hours;
(d) the reason for the intended expropriation of that particular property;

(e) the intended date of expropriation or, as the case may be, the intended date from which the property will be used temporarily and the intended period of such temporary use;
(f) the intended date on which the expropriating authority will take possession of the property;

(g) an invitation to any person who may be affected by the intended expropriation to lodge with the expropriating authority at a given address within 30 days after the publication of the said notice, subject to section 25-
(i) any objections to the intended expropriation;

(ii) any submissions relating to the intended expropriation;

(iii) a postal address and a facsimile number, if any, to which further communications to such person may be addressed by the expropriating authority; and
(iv) the choice of official language for the purposes of further written communication;
(h) a directive to the owner and a holder of a right contemplated in subsection (1)(a) to deliver or cause to be delivered in writing, within 30 days of service, subject to section 25-
(i) the names and addresses of any holders of unregistered rights and particulars of such rights, other than those furnished in accordance with section 5(5)(a) to the extent that such names, addresses and particulars are within the knowledge of the owner or the holder; and
(ii) a written statement stipulating the amount claimed by him or her as just and equitable compensation;
(i) a statement that if a person has an unregistered right in respect of the property of which the expropriating authority had no knowledge when making an offer of compensation, the expropriating authority may adjust that offer; and
(j) a statement drawing the owner or the holder’s attention to the provisions of section 27.

(3) If the property contemplated in (1) is land, the expropriating authority must also deliver a copy of the notice referred to in subsection (1) to-
(a) the Directors-General responsible for rural development and land reform, for environmental affairs, for mineral resources and for water and sanitation, and the accounting authority of any other organ of state whose functions and responsibilities will be materially affected by the intended expropriation, provided that if the expropriating authority is the executive authority of one of the departments or organs of state concerned, delivery of such notice to the relevant Director-General or accounting authority is not required; and
(b) the municipal manager of the municipality where the property is situated, provided that if the expropriating authority is the relevant municipal council of that municipality, no such delivery is required.
(4) Subject to section 25, an owner or a holder of an unregistered right responding to a notice contemplated in subsection (1) must within 30 days of the service of the notice or, if the notice had not been served on him or her, within 30 days of the publication, as the case may be, deliver to the expropriating authority a written statement indicating-
(a) the amount claimed by him or her as just and equitable compensation should his or her property be expropriated and furnishing full particulars as to how the amount is made up;
(b) if the property is land, full particulars of all improvements thereon which, in the opinion of such owner or holder of a right, affect the value of the land;
(c) if the property is land-

(i) which prior to the date of such notice was leased as a whole or in part by an unregistered lease, the name and address of the lessee, and accompanied by the lease or a certified copy thereof;
(ii) which prior to the date of such notice was sold by the owner, but transfer had not yet been effected, the name and address of the buyer, and accompanied by the contract of purchase and sale or a certified copy thereof;
(iii) on which a building has been erected which is subject to a builder’s lien by virtue of a written building contract, the name and address of the builder, and accompanied by the building contract or a certified copy thereof; and
(d) the address at which the owner or the holder of an unregistered right desires to receive further documents in connection with the expropriation.
(5) The expropriating authority must acknowledge receipt in writing, consider and take into account all objections and submissions timeously received before proceeding with an expropriation.
(6) The expropriating authority must, within 20 days of receiving the statement contemplated in subsection (4), in writing-
(a) inform the relevant owner or relevant holder of an unregistered right whether the amount of compensation claimed in the statement is accepted; and
(b) if the amount of compensation claimed is not accepted, indicate the amount of compensation offered by the expropriating authority, furnishing full details and supporting documents in respect thereof.
(7) (a) If no agreement on the amount of compensation payable has been reached between the expropriating authority and the owner or the holder of

a right within 40 days of the expropriating authority receiving the statement contemplated in subsection (4), the expropriating authority must decide whether or not to proceed with the expropriation.
(b) If the expropriating authority decides-

(i) to proceed to expropriate, it must serve a notice of expropriation in terms of section 8(1) within a reasonable time;
(ii) to continue with negotiation on compensation in accordance with section 16, it must inform the owner or the holder of a right accordingly in writing within a reasonable time; or
(iii) not to proceed with the expropriation of the property, it must inform the owner or the holder of a right accordingly in writing within a reasonable time and must publish a notice of his or her decision not to proceed in terms of section 24(2).
Notice of expropriation

8. (1) If the expropriating authority decides to expropriate a property, the expropriating authority must cause a notice of expropriation to be served on the owner and the known holders of unregistered rights, as the case may be, whose rights in the property are to be expropriated.
(2) The expropriating authority must cause a copy of the notice of expropriation to be-
(a) published in accordance with section 24(2), provided that if the notice of expropriation has taken place by publication in terms of section 24(1)(c), the publication in terms of this paragraph is not required;

(b) delivered to a holder of an unregistered right in the property of whom he or she 15 is aware and whose rights are not to be expropriated, and
(c) if the property is land or a right in land, delivered to-

(i) the municipal manager of the municipality where the property is situated, provided that if the expropriating authority is the municipal council the delivery of such notice is not required;
(ii) the Directors-General responsible for rural development and land reform, for environmental affairs, for mineral resources, and for water and sanitation, and the accounting authority of any other organ of state whose functions and responsibilities will be materially affected by the intended expropriation, provided that if the expropriating authority is the executive authority of one of the departments or organs of state concerned, the delivery of the notice on the relevant Director-General or accounting authority is not required;
(iii) a holder of a mortgage bond registered in the Deeds Office in respect of the property concerned;
(iv) if the property is subject to a contract contemplated in section 7(4)(c)(ii), on the buyer; and
(v) if the building thereon is subject to a lien contemplated in section 7(4)(c)(iii), on the builder.
(3) The notice of expropriation served as contemplated in subsection (1) must contain-
(a) a statement of the expropriation of the property;

(b) the full description of the property, including-

(i) in the case where the expropriation applies to a portion of a land parcel, the approximate extent of such portion in relation to the whole; or
(ii) in the case where the expropriation applies to a right in land, a description of the approximate position of the right in land on such land;
(c) a short description of the purpose for which the property is required and the address at which documents setting out that purpose may be inspected and particulars of that purpose may be obtained during business hours;
(d) the reason for the expropriation of that particular property;

(e) the date of expropriation or, as the case may be, the date from which the property will be used temporarily and also stating the period of such temporary use;
(f) the date on which the right to possession of the property will pass to the expropriating authority; and
(g) except in the case of an urgent expropriation contemplated in section 22, the amount of compensation offered by the expropriating authority or agreed to by the expropriating authority and the owner and the holder of an unregistered right, as the case may be.
(4) The notice of expropriation served as contemplated in subsection (1) must be accompanied by documents detailing the following:
(a) the date or dates on which the expropriating authority proposes to pay the compensation and any interest payable in respect thereof in terms of section 13;

(b) in the case where the expropriation applies to a portion of a land parcel, a survey diagram or sketch plan showing the approximate position of such portion in relation to the whole;
(c) in the case where the expropriation applies to a right in land, a survey diagram or sketch plan on which the approximate position of the right in land on such land is indicated, unless the right in land is accurately described without such survey diagram or sketch plan;
(d) an explanation of what the offer of compensation referred to in subsection (3)(g) comprises of, together with supporting documents detailing how the offer of compensation was determined;
(e) a directive calling upon the expropriated owner and expropriated holder as the case may be, to submit in writing the names and addresses of all holders of unregistered rights in the property and particulars of such rights, other than those furnished in accordance with sections 5(5)(a) and 7(2)(h), if any, to the extent that such names, addresses and particulars are within the knowledge of the expropriated owner;
(f) a statement that if a person has an unregistered right in respect of the property of which the expropriating authority had no knowledge when making the offer of compensation, the expropriating authority may adjust that offer;
(g) a statement informing the expropriated owner and expropriated holder, as the case may be, that he or she may request a translation of the notice of expropriation in the official language of his or her choice; and
(h) a statement drawing an expropriated owner, expropriated holder or any other person’s attention to the provisions of section 27.

(5) (a) Rights in a property may be expropriated from different owners and holders of unregistered rights in the same notice of expropriation.
(b) A separate offer of just and equitable compensation must be stated in respect of each owner or holder mentioned in the notice of expropriation contemplated in paragraph (a).

Vesting and possession of expropriated property

9. (1) The effect of an expropriation of property is that-

(a) the ownership of the property described in the notice of expropriation vests in the expropriating authority or in the person on whose behalf the property was expropriated, as the case may be, on the date of expropriation;
(b) all unregistered rights in such property are simultaneously expropriated on the date of expropriation unless-
(i) the expropriation of those unregistered rights are specifically excluded in the notice of expropriation; or
(ii) those rights, including permits or permissions, were granted or exist in terms of the provisions of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002);
(c) in the case of a right to use a property temporarily, the expropriating authority or the person on whose behalf the property was expropriated may as from the date of expropriation exercise that right; and
(d) the property remains subject to all registered rights in favour of third parties, with the exception of a mortgage, with which the property was burdened prior

to expropriation, unless or until such registered rights are expropriated from the holder thereof in terms of this Act.
(2) (a) The expropriating authority, or the person on whose behalf the property was expropriated, must take possession of the expropriated property on the date stated in terms of section 8(3)(f) or such other date as may be agreed upon with the expropriated owner or expropriated holder.
(b) The right to possession passes on the relevant date contemplated in paragraph (a) to the person referred to therein, as the case may be.
(3) (a) The expropriated owner or expropriated holder who is in possession of the property concerned must, from the date of expropriation to the date referred to in subsection (2) or (4), take all reasonable steps to maintain the property.
(b) If the expropriated owner or expropriated holder wilfully or negligently fails to maintain the property and as a result thereof the property depreciates in value, the expropriating authority may recover the amount of depreciation from the expropriated owner or the expropriated holder, concerned.
(c) The expropriating authority must compensate the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be, for costs which were necessarily incurred after the date of expropriation in respect of such maintenance.
(4) If the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be, desires to place the expropriating authority in possession of the expropriated property prior to the date contemplated in section 8(3)(f) and the expropriating authority does not agree to a date on which the right to possession of the property will pass to it, the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be, may give the expropriating authority notice in writing of not less than

20 days before the date on which the expropriated owner or expropriated holder wishes to transfer the right to possession of the property, in which case the right to possession of the property passes to the expropriating authority on that date.
(5) The expropriated owner or expropriated holder who is in possession of the property concerned, remains entitled to the use of and the income from the expropriated property, as was enjoyed immediately prior to the date of expropriation, from the date of expropriation to the date referred to in subsection (2)(b), but remains, during that period, responsible for the payment of municipal property rates and other charges, if applicable, and normal operating costs in respect of the expropriated property as if the property had not been expropriated.

Verification of unregistered rights in expropriated property

10. (1) If, after the date of expropriation, a person claims to have held an unregistered right in the expropriated property for which that person has not been compensated, the expropriating authority must request that person to deliver within 30 days of receipt of the request, subject to section 25, a copy of any written instrument evidencing or giving effect to the unregistered right, if such instrument is in his or her possession or under his or her control, or any other evidence to substantiate the claim.
(2) If the unregistered right, claimed as contemplated in subsection (1), pertains to the use of improvements on expropriated land, the evidence required in terms of subsection 35(1) must include-
(a) a full description of those improvements;

(b) an affidavit or affirmation by the person concerned stating whether those improvements were erected by that person and if so, whether the materials used for erecting those improvements were owned by that person; and
(c) the amount claimed as compensation for such unregistered right, together with details or a report, if any, on how the amount is computed.
(3) After receipt of the evidence requested in terms of subsection

(1) and if the unregistered right claimed pertains to land, the expropriating authority may forward that evidence to the Directors-General responsible for rural development and land reform, for environmental affairs, for mineral resources and for water and sanitation, and to the accounting authority of any other organ of state, as the case may be, for assistance in the verification of such claim.
(4) A Director-General or accounting authority referred to in subsection (3) must submit comments within 30 days of receipt of the request contemplated in that section.
(5) (a) The expropriating authority must decide on the claim contemplated in subsection (1) within 20 days of expiry of the period referred to in subsection (4) and notify the claimant in writing of the decision.
(b) If the expropriating authority accepts the claim contemplated in subsection (1), the expropriating authority must serve the notice contemplated in section 11(2) on such claimant.
(c) If the expropriating authority does not accept the claim contemplated in subsection (1), the expropriating authority must inform the claimant accordingly in writing and must provide reasons for the rejection.

Consequences of expropriation of unregistered rights and duties of expropriating authority

11. (1) An expropriated holder of an unregistered right in a property that has been expropriated by the operation of section 9(1)(b) is, subject to section 10 and this section, entitled to compensation.
(2) If the expropriating authority becomes aware that an unregistered right in the expropriated property has been expropriated by the operation of section 9(1)(b) and becomes aware of the identity of the expropriated holder thereof, the expropriating authority must serve on that expropriated holder a notice that the unregistered right has been expropriated, together with a copy of the notice of expropriation served on the expropriated owner in terms of section 8(1).
(3) The notice contemplated in subsection (2) must-

(a) inform the expropriated holder of the date on which the right to possession of the expropriated property passed to the expropriating authority in terms of section 9(2) or (4);
(b) contain a statement contemplated in section 8(3)(f), if applicable; and

(c) except if this information was furnished in terms of section 10(1), request the expropriated holder to deliver to the expropriating authority, within 20 days of receipt of the notice, subject to section 25, a copy of any written instrument in which the unregistered right is contained, if such instrument is in his or her possession or under his or her control.
(4) When a notice in terms of subsection (2) has been served on the expropriated holder concerned, this Act applies with the changes required by the context as if such notice were a notice of expropriation in terms of section 8(1) in

respect of such unregistered right: Provided that if that expropriated holder is a lessee, he or she remains liable to pay rental to the expropriated owner until the right to possession passes in terms of section 9(2) or (4) and, if applicable, thereafter to the expropriating authority.
(5) If the expropriated owner or expropriated holder knew of the existence of an unregistered right contemplated in subsection (2) and failed to inform the expropriating authority of the existence thereof, the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be, is liable to the expropriating authority for any loss incurred in the event of the expropriating authority having to pay compensation for the expropriation of the unregistered right after the date of payment of compensation to the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be.



Determination of compensation

12. (1) The amount of compensation to be paid to an expropriated owner or expropriated holder must be just and equitable reflecting an equitable balance between the public interest and the interests of the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, having regard to all relevant circumstances, including-
(a) the current use of the property;

(b) the history of the acquisition and use of the property;

(c) the market value of the property;

(d) the extent of direct state investment and subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the property; and
(e) the purpose of the expropriation.

(2) In determining the amount of compensation to be paid in terms of this Act, the expropriating authority must not, unless there are special circumstances in which it would be just and equitable to do so, take account of-
(a) the fact that the property has been taken without the consent of the expropriated owner or expropriated holder;
(b) the special suitability or usefulness of the property for the purpose for which it is required by the expropriating authority, if it is unlikely that the property would have been purchased for that purpose in the open market;
(c) any enhancement in the value of the property, if such enhancement is a consequence of the use of the property in a manner which is unlawful;
(d) improvements made to the property in question after the date on which the notice of expropriation was served upon the expropriated owner and expropriated holder, as the case may be, except where the improvements were in advance agreed to by the expropriating authority or where they were undertaken in pursuance of obligations entered into before the date of expropriation;
(e) anything done with the object of obtaining compensation therefor; and

(f) any enhancement or depreciation, before or after the date of service of the notice of expropriation, in the value of the property in question, which can be directly attributed to the purpose in connection with which the property was 10 expropriated.

(3) It may be just and equitable for nil compensation to be paid where land is expropriated in the public interest, having regard to all relevant circumstances, including but not limited to:
(a) Where the land is occupied or used by a labour tenant, as defined in the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 (Act No. 3 of 1996);
(b) where the land is held for purely speculative purposes;

(c) where the land is owned by a state-owned corporation or other state-owned entity;
(d) where the owner of the land has abandoned the land;

(e) where the market value of the land is equivalent to, or less than, the present value of direct state investment or subsidy in the acquisition and beneficial capital improvement of the land.

Interest on compensation

13. Interest, at the rate determined from time to time in terms of section 80(1)(b) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), from the date the expropriating authority, or the person on whose behalf the property was expropriated, takes possession of the expropriated property, shall accrue on any outstanding portion of the amount of compensation payable in accordance with section 12, and becomes payable in the manner contemplated in section 17, provided that-
(a) if the expropriated owner or expropriated holder fails to comply with section 14(1) within the period referred to in that section, including any extension of such period, the amount so payable during the period of such failure and for the purposes of the payment of interest, is not regarded as an outstanding amount;
(b) until the claimant complies with the requirement of section 17(5), the amount so payable during the period of such failure and for the purposes of the payment of interest, is not regarded as an outstanding amount;
(c) interest due in terms of this subsection must be regarded as having been paid on the date on which the amount has been made available or by prepaid registered post dispatched to the expropriated owner or the expropriated holder concerned, or electronically transferred to his or her account, as the case may be;
(d) a payment, utilisation or deposit of an amount in terms of section 17(1), 19(2) or 20(1) or (2) must be regarded as being a payment to the expropriated

owner or an expropriated holder and no interest accrues on any such amount as from the date on which it has been so paid, utilised or deposited.

Compensation claims

14. (1) An owner or a holder of an unregistered right who receives a notice of expropriation in terms of section 8(1) must, subject to section 25, within 20 days from the date on which that notice was served on that owner or holder deliver or cause to be delivered to the expropriating authority a written statement-
(a) either confirming that the compensation as stipulated in such notice was agreed to or, if applicable, indicating whether the offer of compensation stipulated in such notice is accepted;
(b) if no compensation was offered, as in the case of an urgent expropriation in terms of section 22, or if such offer in the notice is not accepted, indicating the amount claimed by such owner or holder as just and equitable compensation;
(c) furnishing full particulars as to how the amount contemplated in paragraph (b) is made up, including a copy of a valuation, other professional report or other document that forms the basis of the compensation claimed, if any;
(d) if the property expropriated is land, furnishing full particulars of-

(i) improvements on the land that in the opinion of the owner or the holder affect the value of that land; and
(ii) all unregistered rights that exist in respect of such land and that he or she is aware of, including the name and address of the holder of such unregistered right and a copy of any written instrument

evidencing or giving effect to an unregistered right, in his or her possession or under his or her control;
(e) the physical address or postal address, facsimile number and email address, if any, to or at which further documentation in connection with the expropriation must be delivered; and
(f) such information and annexing such documentation as may be prescribed by the Minister in order to facilitate electronic payment of compensation to the expropriated owner or expropriated holder.
(2) If the property expropriated is land-

(a) the expropriated owner must deliver or cause to be delivered to the expropriating authority, subject to section 25, within 30 days of the expropriating authority requesting, the title deed to such land or, if it is not in 10 his or her possession or under his or her control, written particulars of the name and address of the person in whose possession or under whose control the title deed is; and
(b) the person referred to in paragraph (a) in whose possession the title deed may be, must deliver or cause to be delivered the title deed in question to the expropriating authority within 20 days of the expropriating authority requesting it, subject to section 25.

Offers of compensation

15. (1) If the expropriating authority does not accept the amount claimed by a claimant in terms of section 14(1) the expropriating authority must, within 20 days of 20 delivery of the statement contemplated in that section, make

an offer of just and equitable compensation to the claimant in writing, furnishing full particulars of how such amount is made up and calculated.
(2) The offer of compensation contemplated in subsection (1) must be accompanied by copies of reports detailing how the offer of compensation was determined, if the amount is different from the amount offered by the expropriating authority in terms of section 8(3).
(3) The provisions of section 21 shall apply if-

(a) an owner or holder of an unregistered right does not deliver a statement in terms of section 14(1); or
(b) the claimant does not accept the offer of compensation contemplated in subsection (1), by written reply within 20 days, or within such additional time as may be permitted in terms of section 25.

Requests for particulars and offers

16. (1) The expropriating authority and the claimant may from time to time in writing deliver a request for reasonable particulars regarding the claimant’s claim for just and equitable compensation or the offer of just and equitable compensation, as the case may be, and particulars so requested must be furnished within 20 days of such request.
(2) If the expropriating authority or the claimant fails to comply with a request in terms of subsection (1), the requesting party may apply to a court on notice for an order directing the defaulting party to comply with subsection (1), and the court may make such an order.

(3) A claim for just and equitable compensation and an offer of just and equitable compensation remain in force until-
(a) such compensation claimed or offered is revised by the claimant or expropriating authority, as the case may be;
(b) the amount of compensation has been agreed to by the expropriating authority and the claimant; or
(c) the compensation has been decided or approved by a court.

Payment of amount offered as compensation

17. (1) An expropriated owner or expropriated holder is entitled to payment of compensation by no later than the date on which the right to possession passes to the expropriating authority in terms of section 9(2) or (4), subject to sections 18, 19 and 20.
(2) The payment, utilisation or deposit of any amount contemplated in sections 18, 19 and 20 does not preclude the determination of an amount by agreement or by a court: Provided that where the amount so determined is less than the amount paid, the difference must be refunded to the expropriating authority together with interest at the rate contemplated in section 13 from the date on which the amount was so paid, utilised or deposited.
(3) Any delay in payment of compensation to the expropriated owner or expropriated holder by virtue of subsection (2) or any other dispute arising will not prevent the passing of the right to possession to the expropriating authority in terms of sections 9(2) or (4), unless a court orders otherwise.

(4) If the expropriating authority or expropriated owner or expropriated holder has proposed a later date than the date contemplated in subsection (1) for the payment of compensation, the party proposing later payment may, in the absence of agreement, apply to court for an order for payment on such later date, and the court may make an 10 appropriate order, having regard to all relevant circumstances.
(5) If value-added tax is leviable by a claimant in terms of section 7(1)(a) of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991 (Act No. 89 of 1991), by virtue of section 8(21) of that Act, payment of compensation must be made by the expropriating authority only upon receipt of a tax invoice as required in terms of section 20 of that Act from the claimant, 15 together with confirmation of the tax compliance status of the claimant by the South African Revenue Service.
(6) The Minister may prescribe the information and documentation to be delivered by a person to whom compensation or interest is payable in terms of this Act, in order to facilitate electronic payment thereof.

Property subject to mortgage or deed of sale

18. (1) If property expropriated in terms of this Act was, immediately prior to the date of expropriation, encumbered by a registered mortgage or subject to a deed of sale, the expropriating authority may not pay out any portion of the compensation money except to such person and on such terms as may have been agreed upon between the expropriated owner or expropriated holder and the mortgagee or buyer concerned, as the case may be, after the claimant has notified the expropriating authority of the agreement.

(2) The expropriated owner or expropriated holder and the bond holder or buyer, as the case may be, must notify the expropriating authority by no later than 30 days from the date contemplated in section 9(2) or (4), of their agreement and its terms contemplated in subsection (1), failing which the expropriating authority may deposit the compensation money with the Master in terms of section 20(2).
(3) In the event of a dispute arising out of subsection (1), the expropriating authority may deposit the compensation money with the Master, and any of the disputing parties may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order directing the Master to pay out the compensation money in such manner and on such terms as the court may determine.

Payment of municipal property rates and other charges out of compensation money

19. (1) For the purposes of this section, the charges referred to are municipal rates, taxes or other charges that must be paid in order for ownership of land to be transferred by the registrar of deeds to the expropriating authority through registration in the deeds office.
(2) If land which has been expropriated is subject to the charges contemplated in subsection (1), the municipal manager must, within 30 days of receipt of a copy of the notice of expropriation in terms of section 8(2)(c)(i), inform the expropriating authority in writing of such charges, as at the date contemplated in section 9(2) or (4): Provided that if the expropriating authority is the municipal council of the municipality where the land is situated, the notice is not required.

(3) (a) The expropriating authority must in writing, by registered mail, inform the expropriated owner or expropriated holder of any outstanding charges contemplated in subsection (1).
(b) If the said amount is not disputed in writing by the expropriated owner or expropriated holder within 20 days of the notification, the expropriating authority may utilise as much of the compensation money in question as is necessary for the payment, on behalf of the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, of any outstanding charges contemplated in subsection (1).
(4) If the municipal manager fails to inform the expropriating authority of the outstanding charges contemplated in subsection (1) within the 20 days, the expropriating authority may pay the compensation to the expropriated owner or expropriated holder without regard to the outstanding municipal property rates or other charges, and in such an event and despite the provisions of any law to the contrary-
(a) the Registrar of Deeds must register transfer of the expropriated property;

(b) the expropriating authority or the person on whose behalf the property was expropriated, as the case may be, is not liable to the municipality concerned before or after such registration for the outstanding municipal property rates or other charges; and
(c) the expropriated owner or expropriated holder, as the case may be, continues to be liable to the municipality for the outstanding rates and charges calculated up to the date of possession, notwithstanding the registration of the expropriated property in the name of the expropriating authority or person on whose behalf the property was expropriated, as the case may be.

Deposit of compensation money with Master

20. (1) The expropriating authority must deposit the amount of compensation payable in terms of this Act with the Master after which the expropriating authority ceases to be liable in respect of that amount-
(a) if a property expropriated under this Act was left in terms of a will or testament to an undetermined beneficiary or beneficiaries;
(b) if compensation is payable in terms of this Act to a person whose address is not readily ascertainable or who, unless otherwise agreed, fails to supply the prescribed information and documentation for electronic payment within 20 days of being given written notice to do so; or
(c) if compensation is payable and the expropriating authority, after reasonable endeavours, is unable to determine to whom it must be paid.
(2) In the event of a dispute or doubt as to the person who is entitled to receive compensation payable in terms of this Act, or in the event that an interdict prevents the expropriating authority from paying compensation to that person, the expropriating authority may deposit the amount of compensation with the Master.
(3) Any money received by the Master in terms of subsection (1) or

(2) must be paid into the guardian’s fund referred to in section 86 of the Administration of Estates Act, 1965 (Act No. 66 of 1965), for the benefit of the persons who are or may become entitled thereto and bear interest at the interest rate determined in terms of section 80(1)(b) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999).

(4) A court of competent jurisdiction may make an order which it may deem expedient in respect of money received by the Master in terms of subsection (1) or (2).



Mediation and determination by court

21. (1) If the expropriating authority and expropriated owner or expropriated holder do not agree on the amount of compensation, they may attempt to settle the dispute by mediation, which must be initiated and finalized without undue delay by either party.
(2) If the expropriating authority and disputing party are unable to settle the dispute by consensus in the manner contemplated in subsection (1) or if the disputing party did not agree to mediation, the expropriating authority must refer the matter to a competent court to decide or approve just and equitable compensation provided that nothing in this section alters the ordinary civil onus.
(3) Subsection (2) does not preclude a person from approaching a court on any matter relating to the application of this Act.
(4) Where a court finds that a provision of this Act has not been complied with, it must make such order as it considers just and equitable, having regard to all relevant circumstances, including-
(a) the nature and extent of the interest of the person who has challenged the conduct in question;

(b) the materiality of the non-compliance;

(c) the stage which has been reached in the expropriation process; and

(d) the interests of other persons which may be affected by the relief which is ordered.
(5) A dispute on the amount of compensation alone shall not preclude the operation of section 9.



Urgent expropriation

22. (1) An expropriating authority may, if a property is required on an urgent basis, take a right to use property temporarily for so long as it is urgently required for a period 10 not exceeding 12 months.
(2) The power referred to in subsection (1) may only be exercised if suitable property held by the national, provincial or local government is not available under the following circumstances:
(a) in the case of a disaster, as defined in the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act 15 No. 57 of 2002); or
(b) where a court grants an order that an expropriating authority is entitled to use the provisions of this section due to-
(i) urgent and exceptional circumstances that justify action under subsection (1);

(ii) real and imminent danger to human life or substantial injury or damage to property; or
(iii) any other ground which in the view of the court justifies action under subsection (1).
(3) Should an expropriating authority exercise the power referred to in subsection (1), the expropriating authority will be exempted from compliance with the provisions of sections 5(1), 6(1) and 7(1).
(4) The owner or the holder of an unregistered right whose right in property has been taken for temporary use in terms of this section is entitled to just and equitable compensation as calculated, determined and paid in terms of this Act.
(5) The expropriating authority must make a written offer of compensation to the expropriated owner or expropriated holder of an unregistered right within 30 days from the date on which the notice to use the property temporarily was given, and payment must be made within a reasonable time thereafter: Provided that in the event of any dispute, the provisions of section 21 apply.
(6) If the property taken for temporary use in terms of this section is damaged during the use of the property, the expropriating authority must repair such damage or compensate the owner or the holder of an unregistered right concerned for the damage.
(7) (a) If an expropriating authority wishes to extend the period of temporary usage beyond 12 months and the owner or the holder of an unregistered right whose right in property has been taken does not agree thereto, the expropriating authority may approach the court for an extension of the period.
(b) The court may, on sufficient cause shown by the expropriating authority, extend the period of temporary usage.

(c) The period of extension may not exceed a period of 18 months from the date the property was taken for temporary use in terms of subsection (1).
(8) If the court refuses to grant an extension as applied for in terms of subsection (7), the expropriating authority must vacate the property on the expiry of the period of temporary use or on the date agreed to by the parties or determined by the court.
(9) An expropriating authority may at any time during the temporary use of the property, commence with the expropriation of the property and must comply with all relevant provisions of this Act.



Withdrawal of expropriation

23. (1) (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, the expropriating authority may withdraw any expropriation from a date mentioned in a notice of withdrawal if the withdrawal of that expropriation is in the public interest or the reason for which the property was expropriated is no longer applicable.
(b) The notice of withdrawal contemplated in paragraph (a) must be served on every person on whom the notice of expropriation in question was served.
(2) An expropriation may not be withdrawn-

(a) after the expiration of three months from the date of expropriation, except with the written consent of the expropriated owner and all expropriated holders or, in the absence of a written consent, if a court, on application by the expropriating authority, authorises the withdrawal on the ground that it is in the public interest that the expropriation be withdrawn;
(b) if, where the expropriated property is land, the property has already been registered in the name of the expropriating authority in consequence of the expropriation; or
(c) if the expropriating authority has already paid compensation in connection with such expropriation, unless the agreement in writing of every person to whom the compensation has been paid is obtained.
(3) If an expropriation of property is withdrawn-

(a) ownership of the property concerned again vests, from the date contemplated in subsection (1), in the owner from whom it was expropriated, and any mortgage or other rights discharged or expropriated in connection with or as a consequence of the expropriation are fully revived;
(b) the Registrar of Deeds or the registrar of any other office at which such expropriated right was registered or recorded must, on receipt of a copy of the notice of withdrawal, cancel any endorsement made in connection with the expropriation in his or her registers and on the title deed in question; and
(c) the expropriating authority is liable for all reasonable costs and damages incurred or suffered by a claimant as a result of such withdrawal.



Service and publication of documents and language used therein

24. (1) Whenever a notice in terms of section 7(1), a notice of expropriation, a notice in terms of section 11(2) to an expropriated holder or a notice of withdrawal in terms of section 23(1)(b) is required to be served in terms of this Act, the original or a certified copy thereof must-
(a) be delivered or tendered to the addressee personally at his or her residential address, place of work, place of business or at such address or place as the expropriating authority and the addressee may, in writing, agree upon;
(b) be posted by pre-paid registered post to the postal address of the addressee;

(c) be published in the manner contemplated in subsection (2)-

(i) if the whereabouts of the person concerned are unknown to the expropriating authority and is not readily ascertainable, after taking reasonable steps; or
(ii) in the case of fideicommissaries in respect of a property which is subject to a fideicommissum and it is not known to the expropriating authority who all the fideicommissaries are or will be; or
(d) if none of the modes of service set out in paragraphs (a) to (c) is practicable under the circumstances, be served in accordance with such directions as the court, on application, may direct.

(2) Whenever publication of a notice in terms of section 7(1) or (7)(b)(iii), a notice of expropriation or other document is required by this Act, publication must take place-
(a) by the publication of the notice or document in English and in any other official language commonly used in the area where the property is situated once in the Gazette and, simultaneously therewith or not more than one week thereafter, once in the said languages in two widely circulated and accessible newspapers of different languages circulating in the area in which the property is situated;
(b) if the property is land, by the display of the notice in the said languages on such land in a conspicuous place, from not later than the date of publication in the Gazette contemplated in paragraph (a); and
(c) if the expropriating authority deems it necessary in the circumstances, by the advertising in such languages as may be appropriate on television or radio, transmitting to the area where the property is situated in the languages commonly used in that area, the contents of the advertisement to adhere as closely as is practicable to the contents of the notice or document so advertised.
(3) Whenever a document must or may be delivered in terms of this Act, delivery must take place by delivering-
(a) to the owner and holder of an unregistered right in a property known to the expropriating authority, at the address appointed in the notice in terms of section 7(1), the notice of expropriation, the notice in terms of section 11(2) or other document, as the case may be; and

(b) to any owner, holder of an unregistered right, person who has lodged an objection or submission contemplated in section 7(2)(g), expropriated owner and expropriated holder, at the address or facsimile number appointed by such person in terms of this Act, or in the absence thereof-
(i) at an address supplied in respect of such person in terms of this Act;

(ii) at the residential or postal address of such person, if known to the expropriating authority; or
(iii) if no address of such person is known to or readily ascertainable by the expropriating authority, by publication in the manner contemplated in subsection (2)(a).
(4) The delivery contemplated in subsection (3) must take place at the address in question either by-
(a) hand;

(b) facsimile transmission, provided that a confirmatory copy of the document is sent by ordinary mail or by any other suitable method within one day of such transmission; or
(c) registered post.

(5) Whenever a document or a part of a document which is in colour has to be delivered, every copy thereof which is delivered, and in the case of a facsimile transmission, the confirmatory copy, must be in the same colour as the original.
(6) All documents must be in English and if an addressee has prior to a communication expressed in writing a preference for another official language, also in that preferred official language.

(7) Every addressee who has received a written communication from the expropriating authority is entitled to request, in writing, a translation of that communication into the official language indicated in the request.

Extension of time

25. Wherever a period is mentioned within which something must be done in terms of this Act, the expropriating authority may, on written request and good cause shown by the relevant owner or relevant holder of a right in property or other interested or affected person, as the case may be, from time to time extend that period for a further period or periods as may be reasonable in the circumstances.

Expropriation register

26. (1) The Director-General must ensure that a register of all expropriations that are intended, effected and withdrawn, and of decisions not to proceed with a contemplated expropriation by all expropriating authorities, is opened, maintained and accessible to the public.
(2) All expropriating authorities must deliver to the Department a copy of any notice of an intended expropriation, expropriation and withdrawal of expropriation, and of any decision not to proceed with an intended expropriation, within 20 days of the service or delivery of such notices.

Civil fines and offences

27. (1) A person commits a breach of this Act if that person fails to-

(a) comply with a directive by the expropriating authority in terms of section 7(2)(h)(i);
(b) deliver to the expropriating authority a statement contemplated in section 7(4)(c)(i), (ii) or (iii); or
(c) provide the information contemplated in section 8(4)(e).

(2) A civil court may impose a fine up to a maximum prescribed amount, in favour of the National Revenue Fund, on a person referred to in subsection (1), upon application by the expropriating authority brought on notice to the affected person.
(3) The rules of the relevant court apply to the application referred to in subsection (2).
(4) The breach referred to in subsection (1) is not a criminal


(5) A person who wilfully furnishes false or misleading information in any written instrument which he or she by virtue of this Act delivers or causes to be delivered to an expropriating authority, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to be punished as if he or she had been convicted of fraud.


28. (1) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, make regulations regarding-
(a) any matter that may or must be prescribed in terms of this Act; and

(b) any ancillary or incidental administrative or procedural matter that may be necessary for the proper implementation or administration of this Act.
(2) (a) The Minister must, before making any regulations contemplated in subsection (1), publish the draft regulations for public comment.
(b) The period for submitting comments must be at least 20 days from the date of publication of the draft regulations.

Interpretation of other laws dealing with expropriation

29. (1) Subject to section 2, any law dealing with expropriation of property that was in force immediately before the date on which this Act came into operation, must be interpreted in a manner consistent with this Act, and for that purpose any reference in any such law to-
(a) a functionary authorised to expropriate property, must be construed as a reference to an expropriating authority; and
(b) compensation as provided for in sections 12 and 13 of the Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975), must be construed as a reference to compensation contemplated in the provisions of section 25(3) of the Constitution and the provisions of this Act.

(2) In the event of a conflict between this Act and any other law contemplated in subsection (1) in relation to matters dealt with in this Act, this Act prevails.

Repeal of laws

30. The laws mentioned in the second column of the Schedule are hereby repealed to the extent set out in the third column.

Transitional arrangements and savings

31. (1) This Act does not apply to any expropriation initiated through delivery of a notice of expropriation prior to the date of commencement of this Act or to any consequences of any expropriation initiated prior to the date of commencement of this Act.
(2) Any proceedings for the determination of compensation in consequence of an expropriation contemplated in paragraph (a) must be instituted, or if already instituted must be concluded, as if this Act had not been passed: Provided that the parties concerned may agree to the application of this Act to such expropriation or proceedings in which case the relevant provisions of this Act apply to the extent agreed upon between the parties as if it were an expropriation or proceedings for the determination of compensation in terms of this Act.

Short title and commencement

32. (1) This Act is called the Expropriation Act, 2019, and comes into operation on a date determined by President by proclamation in the Gazette.
(2) Different dates may be determined in respect of different provisions of this Act.


(Section 30)

Act No. 63 of 1975 – Expropriation Act, 1975 The whole
Act No. 19 of 1977 – Expropriation Amendment Act, 1977 The whole

Act No. 3 of 1978 – Expropriation Amendment Act, 1980 The whole

Act No. 21 od 1982 – Expropriation Amendment Act, 1982 The whole

Act No. 45 of 1992 – Expropriation Amendment Act, 1992 The whole

Source: http://www.gpwonline.co.za