Eco-upgrades for sustainable living 

There is always a new trend when it comes to the property market but very few trends have the lasting benefits of eco-upgrades. As we all look towards living more sustainably it makes sense to literally start at home. Implementing these types of upgrades not only creates an eco-friendly home allowing you to live more sustainably but has the added benefits of reducing your home’s running costs and increasing the value of your property.

Deciding where to start can be a challenge and if you are unsure, having electricity and water audits performed is a great way to immediately identify any areas of waste or excessive use. You will also be in a better position to judge where best to spend your capital.


Energy-efficient homes

Electricity prices have been increasing exponentially and the recent bout of load-shedding has highlighted the need for alternative solutions. A solar installation is probably one of the most impactful upgrades you can make from both a sustainability and cost-saving perspective and on a side note, buyers always love solar power!

There are different options from basic installations to going completely off the grid. Recently hybrid solutions have become popular as they have the capacity to store energy in battery banks. Dependent on your budget, you can scale these systems up so that you only rely on the sun to power your home while still remaining connected to the grid for those bad weather days. And needless to say, enjoy uninterrupted power during outages.

If solar is not in your budget, there are other ways of improving your energy usage through installing LED lightbulbs and ensuring your home is well insulated.  There are many eco-friendly ceiling insulation options and this will help with both cooling and heating your home.



According to Reuters, the average South African’s water consumption is around 320 litres which is double the global average rate. Improving your water efficiency is another meaningful eco-upgrade and fortunately, there are plenty of options you can easily implement.

Installing low-flow/water-saving showerheads and taps may seem like a minor thing but research has shown that they use up to 50% less water than regular free-flow shower heads and taps.

If you’re looking to make a bigger impact, then you may want to consider looking into a greywater system. These are the ideal way to conserve water as they reuse water from other areas within your home like showers, baths and washing machines. The water is diverted into a tank which can then be pumped into the garden.

If you are in a high rainfall area, rain harvesting could be a viable option depending on whether or not you have space for the tanks. Having space isn’t the only thing to take under consideration as tanks are not aesthetically pleasing and you ideally want them to be out of sight.


Let’s take it outside

Gardens have become another area that can also contribute to living sustainably. You don’t need a lot of space to create a herb and vegetable garden and for those hidden chefs, there is nothing better than being able to quickly pop outside to grab a few fresh herbs or vegetables. And if you have a vegetable garden, well composting just has to follow.


Start off small

Building the perfect eco-friendly home from scratch is always going to be easier but sustainable living is all about making considered choices as you go along. So, start off small by simply installing those LED lightbulbs and water-saving taps before you advance to solar and grey water installations.



Author: Midlands Developers Direct



Still looking for your dream home. Feel free to give one of our developers a call today.

Tom Eastwick – The Gates, Hilton and Garlington, Hilton | 072 297 2699 |
Janet Channing – Waterford Residential Estate, Howick | 082 570 5834 |

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