Kari McDonagh Interiors introduces our followers to “Hygge”

How much time are you spending in your home lately? Yes, that’s what we thought… a lot.

Is your life stressful right now? Yes, we thought so, too.


We know you “desperately need to escape from reality“, but seeing as we are in level appendix D, and freedom carrots are dangled and just as excitedly rescinded, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to achieve this level of escapism for a while, as this pandemic hauntingly looms over us. Which is why everyone during this global pandemic needs to introduce some “Hygge” into their homes.


What is Hygge?

Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) is a Danish term that describes a feeling of cosiness, contentment, and well-being in an Interior space. It means going back to the simple things in life, slowing down, and celebrating the space you are in. The Hygge lifestyle is an integral part of being Danish and has been attributed towards their consistent rating as one of the happiest countries in the world. For us, we’re adapting Hygge to Covid Times, basically meaning that you submerge yourself in necessary comfort – layers, luxury fabrics, furs, cosy corners.


Hygge is like luxury, creamy, serotonin-inducing chocolate, but comfort that does not make you fat.




2020 has shown us what we have – health, happiness and homes, but what we lack is the enjoyment of those homes. We’re going to help you find the potential of your space.

We know that you need luxury, comfort, cosiness, warmth, functional spaces, and spaces that delight. We’re talking reading nooks, soft lighting, candles, fireplaces, soft throws and blankets, green spaces to calm you…




Also, work has literally come home, and working from your garage/home-office bashing your head on the canoe for 5 months is enough…we will help you to create a functional, professional work space in your home.




Kari McDonagh Interiors will help you transform your home into that glorious, sigh inducing space, one where you literally can sink into bliss. We’ll make your home your sanctuary and create an environment you find yourself wanting to immerse into, not run away from, and make your home a refuge from the stressful environment of 2020.


We’ve been keeping husbands at bay and wives under control for a decade, and our track record is value for money, and consistently satisfied clients.


We’d be delighted to “Hygge your home”.




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Author: Kari McDonagh
Photography: Supplied
Photographers: Chris Allan and Dan Grinwis